Data Visualisation in Tableau

Programme Code D196
Data Science & AI
Learning Partner(s)
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
2.5 Days
Format In-person
Scripting Data Storytelling Charts & Dashboards Machine Learning Statistical Techniques Exploration Analysis Data Quality Data Collection
Job Roles
Public Service Officer (non-ICT&SS)


Learn to create effective visualisations using graphic design principles. This short programme covers the theory and techniques for creating effective visualisations based on graphic design. You will apply these principles and techniques to create rich visualisations for analysis and presentation using widely a popular tool, Tableau. 

Key Takeaways

At the end of this programme, you will be able to:
  • Define data visualisation and its role in data analytics
  • Understand the various types and components of data visualisation
  • Explain and implement the principles of data visualisation
  • Develop graphs, charts and interactive visuals using enterprise tools
  • Develop maps to perform geospatial analysis
  • Apply the principles and techniques of data visualisation to solve real-world problems

Who Should Attend

  • Please refer to the job roles section.
  • Public Service Officers who work with data and would like to acquire data visualisation skills.


  • You are required to have working knowledge of Microsoft Office e.g. Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
  • You are required to bring your own laptop for the class.

Programme Structure

This programme is delivered face-to-face and will cover the following topics:
  • Introduction to Data Visualisation
  • Working with Data in Tableau
  • Advanced Visualisations in Tableau
  • Enhancing Visualisations in Tableau

Full Fee

Full programme fee


9% GST on nett programme fee


Total nett programme fee payable, including GST S$817.50
With effect from 1 Jan 2024

Upcoming Classes

Class 1
28 Aug 2024 to 30 Aug 2024 (Full Time)
Duration: 2.5 days
Time : 9:00am - 6:00pm


Step 1 Apply through your organisation's training request system.

Step 2 Your organisation's training request system (or relevant HR staff) confirms your organisation's approval for you to take the programme. Your organisation will send registration information to the academy.

Organisation HR L&D or or equivalent staff can register directly through the learning partner's registration portal.

Click here to register for 28 to 30 Aug run.

Step 3 The learning partner will inform you whether you have been successful in enrolment.


The introduction of Tableau allows us to choose the most appropriate visualisation for our data and analysis needs.


The programme provided practical demonstrations and exercises that helped me to familiarise myself with Tableau.


Learning the fundamentals of Tableau and the importance of data analytics to generate insights was useful for me.
