From Data to Visualisation

Programme Code D118A
Data Science & AI
Learning Partner(s)
Nanyang Polytechnic
3 Days
Format In-person
Statistical Techniques Scripting Machine Learning Exploration Analysis Data Storytelling Data Quality Data Collection Charts & Dashboards
Job Roles
Public Service Officer (non-ICT&SS)


Enhance your data skills by mastering data pre-processing techniques and developing interactive visualisation.

Preparing data is the most time-consuming but most important part of an analytics project. Data visualisation provides a powerful way to communicate data-driven insights and discover patterns to detect anomalies. Through this programme, you will develop competencies in transforming raw data into the appropriate format for building interactive and effective visualisations that address diverse needs and expectations of the key stakeholders.  You will also be able to perform data exploratory analysis to discover patterns and trends.

Key Takeaways

At the end of this programme, you will be able to:
  • Perform data pre-processing techniques to impute data format, transform, reshape and protect the data in accordance with the business requirements and data protection principles
  • Develop interactive and effective visualisations with a global perspective to address international and cultural differences, diverse needs and expectations of the key stakeholders using visualisation tools
  • Perform data exploratory analysis to identify underlying data patterns, trends and analytical insights using visualisation tools

Who Should Attend

  • Please refer to the job roles section.
  • Public Service Officers who are interested in understanding what data analytics and data visualisation are.

Programme Structure

This programme is delivered face-to-face and will cover the following topics:
  • Introduction to Business Analytics
  • Descriptive Analytics
  • Data Preparation Techniques
  • Basic Visualisation Techniques
  • Visualising Data
  • Create data-driven story


Full Fee

Full programme fee


9% GST on nett programme fee


Total nett programme fee payable, including GSTS$763

 With effect from 1 Jan 2024

Funding is available for this programme. Please email to Aloysius or Angeline to find out about the updated programme fee funding breakdown and eligibility.

How To Register


Step 1 Apply through your organisation's training request system.

Step 2 Your organisation's training request system (or relevant HR staff) confirms your organisation's approval for you to take the programme.

Your organisation will send registration information to the academy.

Organisation HR L&D or equivalent staff can click here for details of the registration submission process.

Step 3 GovTech Digital Academy will inform you whether you have been successful in enrolment.


I learnt how we can transform data into useful information.


I learnt how to prepare and clean data, as well as familiarise myself with the various visualisations Power BI and Excel can offer.


At the end of the programme, I learnt the basics of Power BI and how to prepare a dashboard for my work.
