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Introduction to Web Development Using ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Programme Code D162
Smart Systems
Learning Partner(s)
Esri Singapore
3 Days
Format Hybrid
Geospatial App Development
Job Roles
ICT&SS Professional Specialised Systems Engineer (Geospatial)


Build full-featured 3D applications powered by web scenes that can include rich information layers such as terrain, basemaps, imagery, features, integrated mesh layers, and 3D objects. The 4.x series of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript is Esri’s next-generation JavaScript API that integrates 2D and 3D into a single, easy-to-use, powerful API. 

This programme provides novice developers with a solid introduction to developing GIS Web apps using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. The pacing and scope of this programme will be well-suited for GIS professionals who have limited developer experience. 

Key Takeaways

At the end of this programme, you will be able to:
  • Create apps that incorporate your organisation’s web maps, web scenes, and layers
  • Display and render maps in both 2D and 3D
  • Include capabilities for end users to query map layers and perform spatial analysis
  • Develop and test application functionality using version 4 of ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Who Should Attend

  • Please refer to the job roles section.
  • Targeted at GIS professionals and others who want to develop custom web applications using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.


Programme Structure

This programme will cover the following topics:

Introduction to ArcGIS API for JavaScript

  • Building a Simple Web App
  • Anatomy of a Simple Web App – JavaScript

Load a Map into a Web App

  • Workflow Key
  • Workflow Overview
  • Use a Working Example

Work with GIS layers

  • Workflow Overview
  • Select an API Layer – Data Type
  • Select an API Layer – Purpose

Display Maps with MapViews (2D)

  • Workflow Overview
  • MapViews (2D) and ViewPoints
  • SceneViews (3D) and ViewPoints

Implement Map Widgets

  • Workflow Overview
  • Select an API Widget - Purpose

Visualise Map Features using Renderers and Symbols

  • Workflow Overview
  • Select an API Renderer – Data Type
  • Symbols and Symbol Layers
  • Select an API Symbol - Purpose

Perform Searches in the Map

  • Workflow Overview
  • Select a Search Source

Perform Queries in the Map

  • Workflow Overview
  • Select a Query Type

Perform GIS Analysis

  • Workflow Overview
  • Identify Geoprocessing Service

Perform Geometry Operations

  • Workflow Overview
  • Geometry Operations

Apply a Pop-up

  • Workflow Overview

This programme does not include the certification exam. If you are interested to take the certification exams under The Esri Technical Certification Program, please visit understand on the certification registration procedures.


Full Fee

Full programme fee


9% GST on nett programme fee


Total nett programme fee payable, including GST S$1569.60

With effect from 1 Jan 2024

This programme does not qualify for any government subsidy or WSH grants. Programme fees to be invoiced and paid in advance prior to course commencement.

How To Register


Step 1 Apply through your organisation's training request system.

Step 2 Your organisation's training request system (or relevant HR staff) confirms your organisation's approval for you to take the programme.

Your organisation will send registration information to the academy.

Organisation HR L&D or equivalent staff can click here for details of the registration submission process.

Step 3 GovTech Digital Academy will inform you whether you have been successful in enrolment.


The programme gives an overview of ArcGIS. I like how the facilitator explains it by going through the API reference, it allowed us to search for our own base using our own use cases.


Learning about the ArcGIS API capabilities and how to use them were particularly useful.


Learnt about Web Development Using ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
